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Who can come?
This event is designed to be a family affair! Anyone can come and stay with us at the Orchard Park Wesleyan camp site.
When & where is it?
Creation Festival is June 27th--July 1st in Mt. Union, PA.
What is the cost?
14 & Over: $120
7-13: $46
0-6: $Free
When is the registration deadline?
June 10, 2018
When do we leave?
A caravan of cars will leave OPWC at 8:30am on June 27th.
When do we return?
Estimated return is July 1st around 3pm.
What do I bring?
Food for 5 days (vendors sell food too), Clothes, Bible, Toiletries, Sleeping Bag, Pillow, Lots of Sunscreen, Refillable Water Bottles
What is Creation?
Check out for information on artists, speakers, events, schedules and happenings.
I have more questions.
Give Pastor Jason a call at the church office. 716-662-9842.
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